Awaken and Call Forth the Sacred Masculine
Within Us and Within Our World
How many times have you heard someone say that men don’t seem to be evolving as quickly as women because they aren’t willing to do “the work?” Have you ever thought this or said it out loud?
… Maybe you’ve been frustrated that the men you know don’t seem to be waking up fast enough to truly meet you, see you or “get you.”
… Or maybe you feel let down, unmet or discouraged when men can’t hold space for your anger, rage, sadness and disappointment, and go into defense or avoidance-mode instead.
… Perhaps you’ve experienced men who seem to lack purpose, drive, direction and focus, and the readiness to commit to a real relationship (especially romantically).
… Or you may have encountered men who are ambitious workaholics, but are disconnected from their emotions and are closed off to the Feminine in general.
… Is it hard for you to even see men clearly because of your own mistrust of the masculine and past wounding?
If you found yourself nodding your head in agreement to even a few of these statements and questions, then keep reading, because this conversation is for you.
So, what should women do about this?
Many women think the men are the problem, and that these men need to change urgently and radically so we can fix the planet before we all die at the hands of the patriarchy.
Many women try to get the men to change by punishing, criticizing, judging and withholding their love, appreciation and approval.
The problem is that this actually emasculates the men, makes them feel unsafe. Then, they get defensive, cold, and withdrawn, causing more suffering and distance between the sexes.
We’ve been failing ourselves, the men and Mother Earth by staying stuck in this victim frequency and perpetuating the drama without doing the inner work so that we can be more authentically powerful -- together.
Sister, there is a MUCH better way.
It’s time to stop calling men out and start calling them IN to a higher frequency of consciousness, and it starts with us.
WE hold the keys to a whole new balanced paradigm on the planet.
WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
WE have the power to dismantle the patriarchy from the inside and transform it through our love.
When we are in our true essence, men show up in a miraculous new way.
Presented by
Eden Amadora
Ordained 13 Moon Priestess and trained shamanic practitioner with 15 years experience as a somatic integration coach for men and women.
“I came into the priestess work with Eden feeling like a blank slate. I leave feeling bountiful like a lighthouse calling others home, full of my feminine essence and creative juice.”
“Eden offers a unique opportunity to drop our masks, our fears, our limitations and step fully into the conscious, loving beings we are." - Sonya Stewart
“Eden’s ability to dance between fierce grace and radical mirroring of what is true allows shadow parts to be seen and transmuted into love.” - MK
If you...
Feel a longing to empower and support men in our evolutionary shift and awakening…
Know that being a healer, priestess or change agent means that you need to start with yourself...
Long to have more fulfilling relationships with men…
...then I have an incredible and unique opportunity for you.
This is the first time ever that this Divine Feminine Mystery School Priestess training is being offered as a certification program -- specifically for healing our relationship with the masculine.
The true path of the Priestess is not just for the select few in the ancient temples. This is a time of remembrance and reclamation of our innate healing gifts. It might sound so simple, and yet this is THE primary work of the Priestess Path.
If you are hearing and resonating with the call, Beloved, this is my invitation and offering for you.
For 13 weeks, I will be guiding The Sun Heart Initiation Program: Level 1 for 13 women only. By the end of the 13 weeks, you will be certified as a Level 1 Initiate in Training and you’ll be able to begin to hold a powerfully transformative space for men and communicate with them in a way you never have before. You’ll be able to come from an empowered place with men and call them more fully into their sacred masculine essence, and in doing so, creating more peace on earth. The program will begin once we have gathered at least 9 (and no more than 13) women to participate.
Awaken the Sacred Masculine
Before continuing on to review the program outline, I invite you to watch this short video introduction to ground into the vibration of this work and my intention in doing it.
13 weeks
2 hour weekly Zoom video calls facilitated by Eden where you’ll receive teachings, practices, live mentoring, and have a chance to ask questions
Three 50 min. 1-on-1 private mentoring sessions via Zoom (which will be recorded and delivered to you for future reference)
Weekly assignments with deepening practices
Limited to 13 women
WEEK 1–2: Become the woman who can hold a safe haven within
Connect to the Divine Feminine within you.
Form an embodied relationship to the Divine Mother Principle to create a foundation of worthiness, lovability and inner safety.
This is necessary in order to do this powerful work without losing your center, since it touches on our core wounds.
Week 3–4: Forgive yourself, forgive the Masculine
Heal the victim-perpetrator dynamic that keeps you stuck and disempowered so you can heal your relationships with men.
Resolve issues of mistrust and betrayal with men and the masculine, and your relationship to intimacy.
Week 4–5: Activate your inner Priestess
Open your intuitive channels so you can deepen your innate Feminine Healing power
Move from Damsel-in-Distress archetype or the Armored Warrioress to embody the empowered Priestess of Receptivity archetype in your relationship to men
Week 6–7: Face the Shadow
Tune in to that which needs to be dismantled and destroyed (patterns) for your liberation and empowerment.
Learn the key to healthy anger and activate your authentic voice and Truth.
Allow the Shadow Feminine, the darker faces of rage within to be seen and touched without any resistance or denial, so it doesn’t come out sideways in your interactions with men.
Week 8–9: Embrace your authentic Power
Learn the truth about Power- dismantling control and activating real empowered choice and freedom- Sovereignty.
Allow the Shadow Masculine within to be seen and touched without any resistance or denial, so it doesn’t need to be mirrored by men in your life or come out sideways in your interactions with men.
Week 10–11: Meet Your Animus - The Sacred Masculine Within
Heal the split within so you can stop projecting your unhealed animus onto men: Your soul is genderless but your Spirit is part male, known in Jungian psychology as your Animus
Enact an ancient inner marriage rite to come into balance and wholeness, which frees you to see from empowered wholeness so you can choose from your truth in each moment
Week 12–13: Activation/ Integration- Activate the Star in your Heart And Get Clear And Confident On Your Path of Integration
Begin a new conversation about vulnerability and intimacy that will change your life and relationships forever
Learn how your birthright of unique creativity as an empowered sovereign being is key in your new relationship paradigm with men and the masculine
Your Heart Contribution: $1,300.00 (USD)
Payment Options:
– One-time payment of $1300 (at time of registration)
– 2 payments of $650 (1st payment at time of registration)
– 4 monthly payments of $325 (1st payment at time of registration)
With your heart contribution you will also receive three 50 min. individual mentoring sessions with me during the course as well as a collection of 10 archetypal videos valued at $300.
Beloved Sister, Our empowered presence and the deep well of love within our awakened hearts is the change this world needs for our future generations. You are that beautiful, magnificent and powerful. I’m speaking to that part of your heart that knows that you’re a force of love and change when you remember your essence. It’s time to take more responsibility as a empowered, embodied activist of love.
Come join me for this rare and potent alchemical journey that will change your life and the world!
This program is by application only. If you know you are ready, and have not already applied, please enter your information below to access the application page. If your application is accepted, you will be asked to schedule a 30 minute illumination call with me to feel into the resonance of your participation in the program.
You will also be added to my beautiful community of lamp lifters and gifted a free email-based mini course introducing the 13 Divine Feminine Archetypes of the 13 Moon Mystery School.
Awaken the Sacred Masculine
If, after successfully completing your Level 1 certification, you are called to go deeper into this transformational work to become a fully certified Sun Heart initiator, I will be offering the Level 2 and Level 3 certification courses to serve you further.
Level 2 is another online program with private mentoring. Level 3 will be a year-long online program with mentoring and a week-long, ceremonial, in-person retreat.
This is a rigorous training to successfully transform ourselves to be change agents and lamp lifters and a part of the great healing of the divide between the masculine and the feminine on the planet.
Dates and heart contribution levels to be determined. Registration will open at a later date.