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Explore, Embody & Express Your Archetypal Goddess

Join Me On The Priestess Path

If you are feeling the call to walk the priestess path and deepen with me in your remembrance through sacred feminine practices and ritual, I would be honored to support and guide you on this journey. My offerings are for all women who feel called to the temple to remember, reclaim and awaken their essence beauty and empowered presence, from the new initiate to the priestess on her full ordination path. I invite you to explore each offering below and feel which one(s) resonate for you at this moment on your journey.

Awakening Beauty Monthly Temple 

This interactive online temple gathers once a month to explore and deepen with the Divine Feminine archetypes of the 13 Moon Mystery School. It's a beautiful way to step onto the priestess path and awaken your own connection to the Goddess within a supportive circle of women from all around the world.     Learn More >

13 Moon Priestess Initiation Circles & Mysteriums 

This is a yearlong initiatory experience for women who are called to deeper soul work and desiring an in person priestess training amongst an intimate group of sisters in a ceremonial temple space. Options are available for both local and long distance sisters.    Learn More >

1:1 Archetypal Mentoring Packages 

If you are desiring deeply focused support and guidance on your path to help you reclaim your intuitive, creative feminine power and embody your essence beauty as you awaken to your soul's remembrance- you can find this in a series of 1:1 sessions with Eden. Mentoring packages consist of either 5 or 10 sessions which may be done in person or via Skype.   Learn More >

Fire Flower Retreat (Nov. 3–9, 2018)

Come experience a deep dive into the archetypal realms of the Goddess of Love and the Primal Goddess. This 6 day journey is taken within a sacred retreat space housed upon the incredible natural temple: the Big Island of Hawai’i.   Learn More >

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